Argo commands

Argo commands#

List running Argo workflows#

argo list

Stop a workflow#

argo terminate my-workflow

This might not stop the workflow, in this case use argo delete

Delete a workflow#

argo delete my-workflow

OpenShift commands#


List pods#

oc get pod
# Get specific pod
oc get pod | grep d2s-download

Create pod from YAML#

oc create -f d2s-download-pod.yml

Delete pod#

oc delete pod d2s-download-pod

Get logs#

oc logs -f d2s-download-pod

Start services#

Start apache-drill#

# Create pod
oc create -f d2s-pod-drill.yml
# Create service for the pod
oc create -f d2s-service-drill.yml

OpenShift should already propose Apache Drill deployment.

Start GraphDB#

TODO: Require private access to a private GraphDB build.

Start Virtuoso#

TODO: load nquad files.

Last updated on by Vincent Emonet