Docker guide

This guide aims to give some insights about running Docker containers, volumes and networks directly using docker run.

๐Ÿšซ This page does not aims to be a comprehensive Docker tutorial, see the official documentation if you want to know more about Docker.

Basic Docker commands#

Run a container#

A Docker image can be run to create a container in 2 ways

  • -it Interactive: the process is attached to the terminal and you can stop it using ctrl+C
  • -d Detached: the process is detached and will continue if you exit the terminal.

Stop a container#

To get a Docker container ID and stop it:

docker ps
docker stop my-container

Automatically delete a container after run You can use the --rm flag to automatically delete a container after its run. It avoid accumulating containers and wasting memory.

docker run -it --rm my-container

Share volumes#

A lot of images will require input files, the best way to provide them is to share a volume from your system to the container. It can be done by using -v when docker run.

Let's say I have a /data/d2s-workspace/my-file.txt on my system, and I want to provide it as a container input file.

  • I need to provide he -v flag with paths separated by a :
    • before the user provide the path of the shared volume on his system
    • after the user provide the path it will be accessible from in the Docker container
docker run -it -v /path/on/my/computer:/path/in/container my-container \
--input-file "/path/in/container/my-file.txt"
  • In this example we are sharing the /data/d2s-workspace volume from our system to /data in the Docker container. my-file.txt is then accessible as /data/my-file.txt in the container
docker run -it -v /data/d2s-workspace:/data my-container \
--input-file "/data/my-file.txt"
  • Windows requires to provide the drive when sharing volume (e.g. c:) and the command to be one line.
docker run -it -v c:/data/d2s-workspace:/data my-container --input-file "/data/my-file.txt"
  • We usually provide a relative path using $pwd)
docker run -it -v $(pwd)/workspace:/data my-container --input-file "/data/my-file.txt"

To be tested on Windows.

Link and network#

Containers can be linked using 2 ways: --link flag and --network.


Especially used when running services using docker-compose. The --link flag method can be easier to use in simple cases.

Example of a network setup in the docker-compose.yml#

version: "3"
build: ./apache-drill
- /data:/data:ro
- 8047:8047
- 31011:31010
tty: true
- network
build: ./graphdb
- /data/graphdb:/opt/graphdb/home
- /data/graphdb-import:/root/graphdb-import
- 7200:7200
- network
driver: bridge

Example of AutoR2RML connecting to the Drill container through a network#

docker run -it --rm -v /data:/data \
--network network-pipeline_data2services \
autor2rml -r \
-j "jdbc:drill:drillbit=data2services-pipeline_drill_1:31011" \
-o "/data/d2s-workspace/mapping.trig" -d "/data/d2s-workspace" -g "http://data2services/graph/autor2rml"


--link is deprecated, Docker recommends to use --network. But the --link flag can be more convenient to use in simple case: e.g. when linking to a single service, you just need to provide the container name instead of setting up a whole network.

How to use link#

Let's say you have a frontend application that needs to query a backend application.

  • Run the backend
docker run -it --rm --name backend -p 8080:8080 backend-image
  • To access it as http://localhost:8080 in the frontend
docker run -it --rm --name frontend --link backend:localhost frontend-image
  • To access it as http://backend:8080 in the frontend
docker run -it --rm --name frontend --link backend:backend frontend-image
  • You can link to multiple backend in a frontend
docker run -it --rm --name frontend --link backend-sql:backend-sql --link backend-redis:backend-redis frontend-image

Example of AutoR2RML connecting to Drill container using link#

# Run Apache Drill service
docker run -dit --rm -p 8047:8047 -p 31011:31010 --name drill -v /data:/data:ro apache-drill
# Run AutoR2RML, linking to the Apache Drill container
docker run -it --rm --link drill:drill -v /data:/data autor2rml \
-j "jdbc:drill:drillbit=drill:31010" -r \
-o "/data/d2s-workspace/mapping.trig" -d "/data/d2s-workspace" -g "http://data2services/graph/autor2rml"
Last updated on by Vincent Emonet